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The Pink I Picture Him Wearing

 I may not know you... I may not have you either... But wearing this light pink jacket makes me feel closer to being with you. I cry of wanting you near me while being mad of you ignoring me, But I can't lie to my mind that is always thinking of you, Nor can I fool my heart that is missing you. Papa, I know not what you like or what you dislike... I know nothing of what you love or what you hate... But in my prayers... It is far from what's written in my poems. I don't hate you, and I hope that the hatred towards me Is far away thrown from your heart. If only you could hear my silenced weepings of the nights... If only you could see how my eyes tear up whenever I look at myself in the mirror... If only you could watch me sleeping at night  Hugging the pillow as I imagine you being by my side... And if only you could feel my sadness of waiting for you every day and night To comfort me through the hard gloomy evenings of my life. Maybe then you would understand that what a ch

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