How Can I Hate You?
How can I hate you when in every slumber of my nights you appear? When in all of my dreams you smile... When in all of my prayers, your face comes up? And how can I possibly hate you when I still love you to the last drop of my blood... To the last breath of air in my lungs? Despite the void you constantly cause in my life, Every sorrow turns bliss with a look of your picture... And with every glimpse of your eyes, my tears sketch my muscles into a smile... So bright and joyous that the fireworks died the moment you came near. How could I possibly be hating you when in all the pain a thought of you brings comes a flicker of hope that tomorrow you're still with me in spirit... How can I be mad at the one who enters my dream to cut down the dried up rubber trees to replace them with blossoming jasmines? How can I hate you when your smiles bring me so much joy to trace such a glow in the morning, And your voice tunes in my ears every day as the wind comes not, while the rain ends nev...