Changing Lucifer To Adam | 'Satanic' Qualities in Modern Day Humans


Byline: Qadeem Zieman


In my previous post, When The Ape Enters The City! , I mentioned about how some people happen to have the qualities of an ape… but upon further investigation in their personalities, I happen to agree with some people who happened to name these ‘people’ as Devils as opposed to humans. Perhaps, Satan is more fitting?

“But it would be an insult to the entire ape species to be compared to human don't you think? Some of us humans behave worse than animals. Apes don't lie… humans do. Apes don't indulge in gossiping, slandering and backbiting... human do. Apes don't carry on like they are Allah gift to mankind... human do. Animals are sinless but humans are full of sins.” One spoke.

My grand-uncle, Tok Min, used to call those species simply as 'Setan' or ‘Satan’.


Gustave Doré: depiction of Satan
Satan, illustration by Gustave Doré from John Milton's 
Paradise Lost.

Satan are filthy, both inside and out, and it reflects on their behavior and personality. Satan is, more than anything, prideful. He believes his defiance of God is righteous, and he is willing to forge a new kingdom in Hell despite knowing that he could return to Heaven by asking for forgiveness. The Devil also displays a tendency towards aggression and a lack of empathy for those around him. And they also happen to be a species of unclean spirits. Commonly the unclean spirit refers to Dybbuks, spirits of deceased persons who were not laid to rest and thus became demons.

Satan is traditionally understood as an angel (or sometimes a jinnÄ« in Islam) who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven with other “fallen” angels before the creation of humankind.


In this case, although they are still alive, but their souls are dead, and not due to a good ending like some of us would like to close our eyes… they’re trapped in the painful tragedies of yesteryears. Most of which were caused by themselves.

They are still living with the thoughts of regrets. Stupid regrets that they could still overcome if they were to give it a try, like furthering their studies, living with good standards, and having good qualities. But they choose not to, and that results in them becoming bitter and sour towards those who choose to do them.

And what actually is called ‘living life’ is considered bragging and being arrogant, which would only then ‘benefit’ them in a negative way, which is a way that they prefer themselves… such as being filled with jealousy and envy.

Satan, the creation of God that used to be as pure as angels are very much comfortable living their lives in their own vision of Heaven, even if it’s actually Hell. And that is because they are too comfortable with being the way they are.

And perhaps trying to change Lucifer to Adam or Eve is as good as asking for snow to fall on the Sahara desert. Even rain falls in Southern California and Dubai!

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