When The Ape Enters The City!
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My grandfather used to tell my mother, "Malangnya bila berhakimkan beruk!" (English: That's what happens when the ape becomes the judge!) Whenever he's unhappy with the statement of a politician, or the overall results of a talent-time.
And my mother always said to me "bila beruk masuk ke bandar gitu lah rupanya, pakai gincu sikit pun dah lupa diri!" (English: that's what happens when an ape enters the city, he forgets who he is within a swatch of lipstick!)
Now that I am older, it is amusing for me to see how a human can degrade oneself to the class of an ape...
As humans, we were given senses, minds, and intelligence that are specifically higher compared to chimpanzees and apes.
However, there are still some people who are living their lives in a manner that is considered to be insulting to their species by disregarding the ability to see, think, and feel.
One would always find a way to get the information wrong while he also will find a way to parade that one thing he has in his hands, much like an ape.
When an ape enters a city, wearing a pink dress with a tutu skirt, high heels and red lipstick. That's it! He believes that he could run the world!
Although it is a known fact, it is important to be optimistic and feel positive about ourselves. Perhaps it is also just equally as important as being realistic upon waking up to reality.
Yes, it is beautiful what you are wearing. Gender identity aside, but how did you get it? Was it given to you? By whom? Or did you steal it?
Are you aware that the tutu skirt that you are wearing right now has been ripped out, and the heels of your stilettos are also broken?
And perhaps due to the hours of running, your supposed pink dress is now no longer pink.
But it's rather looking more like yellow with stains of mud. Were you bathing along with the pigs? And what about the lips? It's red but it's all over the place!
Some humans are very smart. They've got qualifications to prove that they are learned people... but most often, they tend to parade around their certificates more than they use the knowledge that they supposedly have. That is because they either forgot about it or just forgot how to think...
Their lips are moving, and you can tell that because of the red lipstick, but whatever comes out of it doesn't seem to be making any sense!
And just like apes, they also tend to forget about their roots and where they come from.
May it be their current religious practices or just their overall status (if there are any, to begin with)...
One would have a strong shock of amnesia, following an identity switch to make things more 'dramatic' (perhaps to prove to others that they exist) and act as though they are Hollier than thou, as they point out flaws and mistakes in others while forgetting that they were and maybe still are the same as them, if not worse.
Due to their underdeveloped brain cells, they also tend to react differently. In the normal way of a human, the correct term is called 'manipulation'. And sometimes, they're not one to be blamed for it, because what is life without testaments and challenges? They are often born in a way that most people are not. They are undeveloped, which results in them not being able to think or know the difference.
Aside from that, they are also known for overreacting. Perhaps this occurs because of the unbearable culture shock that they are constantly getting, or in Malay, there's a term for it called 'Jakun', (Informal, derogatory, Singapore) Fascinated by objects, events, or experiences which seem ordinary to others. (informal, offensive, Malaysia) Overly excited, bad-tempered, unruly, or unsophisticated.
In all of those cases, I often think to myself, "How lucky am I to be born as a decent human being, from 2 wonderful people as my beloved parents? As opposed to those who portray such horror scenes in the name of our species!"
No matter where you go in this world, there will always be someone who behaves like an ape. The best way to deal with them is to walk away and find other things to do. It is important to know our values and worth, therefore, one should never degrade oneself to the level of an ape.