A Watch With No Time, Nor Meaning

A diamond is a luxury.

Gold is a luxury.

A watch, too, is a luxury.

A watch also tells us time,

But it's a pity to see a man who owns a collection of them bought using millions of dollars of his earnings that he had to work hard for, yet still fails to see something else that is even more valuable.

The watches he wears daily tell him the time, but they don't tell him how much time he has left in this world with his loved ones...

Or how much time he has left to make things right.

Such ignorance in an old man's heart and mind.

What is the point of a pair of leather shoes, if you can't even walk anymore?

What's the use of a designer pair of sunglasses, when can no longer see with your own eyes?

What good is a pair of high-quality suits, if can't even keep your child warm in the cold days?

And what is the purpose of looking at a watch at the coffee shop, if you don't even know what it is?

When at the end of your life, none of those things will be sending you off, but what will are your doings...

As a husband to a wife, as a lover to a partner, and... as a father to a son.

- Qadeem Zieman

02:13am, 23/4/2024

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