Silence Means A Million Words

White Rose Bud Photograph by Teresa Wilson

Sometimes, silence is the answer...

Silence is the answer that speaks of a broken voice, a voice that is too tired to face the same melody...

And silence, sometimes, is the answer to all the questions that are kept in your mind.

Silence sometimes is better than the noises that voice out irritating truths.

It hits you with no bullets, yet hands you over the gun to shoot yourself after figuring out the truth.

It leaves you in a room of pitch darkness to think about the future, to eventually rethink about the past.

All the misery, the naivety, the lost and the found...

An old man who is silenced upon an approach of the word "Hello" from a young man holds a deep secret of regrets, sadness, and sometimes, disbelief...

Whereas a boy who is muted upon the question of "How are you?" Often reflects on his confused mind.

A mind that is confused with what to feel or do, and a heart that is too tired of being filled with sadness, pain, anger, and frustration.

Both, the old and the young man hold a million meanings to their silenced words, and perhaps it shall remain in silence until the last drop of tear drips from the closed eyes, while the other one also drops his tears to the ground before saying goodbye as the soil covers a figure for the soul to fly upon above to the heavens.

Qadeem Zieman

02:37 | Friday

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