"Nasi Dah Jadi Bubur… Jamah Aja Dengan Sambal Tu!", And a Wish Is Just a Wish.

A wish is something that we all have and do, we make wishes as we blow a candle on a cake, when we wish each other on occasions.

But a wish is perhaps is not just a wish… a wish is like a prayer as opposed to something that we say to make one happy on their birthday…

A prayer is what we say when we truly mean it. We pray to god, to universe, and idols… when we burn incense and candles, as we pray for a good wealth and fortune along with good health and prosperity, because it is something that we want and wish for…

Therefore, a wish is not just an empty word you make upon…

But in reality, when dealing with real life involving people and feelings… people and feelings are no objects to mess around with.

Sometimes, we tend to get too comfortable with certain things and situations, that we tend to forget about the actual cost of it, and the English saying goes “You sit in shit for too long, you’ll stop smelling it”, is indeed true. Especially when the one who stinks is you. It tends to blind our eyes, block our instincts and bondage our hearts in plastic in a way that it is tight enough to make the heart suffocate and die.


There is only so much a person can take…and there will always be that last drop that makes a bucket overload, and start overflowing to decide that enough is indeed enough... it has now become too much to take.

There is no need for any more waters flowing out of the faucets of these tired round eyes, that drowns the golden browns by turning the whites into reds… as red as the blood dripping out of the fingers that once touched the thorns, as opposed to the red rose petals, given under the pretence of cunning exploitations.

A dream could possibly come true, but only if you put in the effort to achieve it…

A wish or a prayer on the other hand, is good to have hold of. However, just like a house on fire, it is best to blow the flames while it is still small, because once it takes over the house there will be no point of kneeling down to God crying and begging for another home to live in after you’ve let the old one burn to ashes…

Similarly to a common Malay phrase that goes, “Nasi dah jadi bubur…”, which basically translates to “The rice has turn to a porridge”. Which means that there is no point of dwelling or even ranting over it for the rice had already been made into a porridge, just eat it together with the sambal for dinner before hitting the hay... and be grateful for it, at least there is something to fill in the empty stomach.

Rather than crying over how life isn’t fair, and thinking that maybe you should at least be given another chance, or maybe even ranting and being mad because you think that someone is over-reacting, or maybe even being arrogant... try to take it as a lesson to learn from, regardless of how old or young you may be… because a lesson will always be repeating in a loop to tease us endlessly, until it is taken in and learnt from.

I know that one for a fact, because I have been in both pair of shoes quite recently, the offended and the offender. And writing this… it is not just for the people to read, but it is also for me to reflect on if ever I were to find myself with my head sticking up in the foggy clouds.

Read it, and try to cure your heart, nose and eyes, so that you could hopefully feel, know, and see the wrong with yourself, as opposed to only seeing the flaws of those around…


Love, Qadeem.

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